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Photoshop or Not

Pho٠to٠shop - noun or verb?
Today Photoshop has become more than just a term to describe a program for editing photos. It has become a term for describing whether or not a photo has been manipulated to change the appearance from its original state. People frequently use the term "Photoshopped" in this way.

My name is Rob Resnick. I currently work as a Photoshop Artist at Image Studios, a commercial photography studio in Appleton, Wisconsin. In my spare time I enjoy photography, art and the outdoors. My job as a Photoshop artist has given me a new perspective in regards to images that we see nowadays. The line between reality and manipulation is getting harder to determine just by viewing a photo. I have created this blog in attempts to illustrate what can be accomplished with the use of Photoshop.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Mystery

I discovered this shot while strolling through a cemetery in Louisiana this spring. Looking at the image you might have thought I took this shot at night or in the evening. By rolling over the image you will see it was far from dark outside. By using some techniques and Photoshop filters, I achieved the illusion and mystery of being shot at night and also created an image that is much more interesting than if it was shot at night. As it turned out, this ended up being one of my favorite shots. With just a little imagination and know-how, you too can discover a whole new world of possibilities with your images.


  1. Nicely done. I like the addition of the bird.

  2. I agree. This is beautiful and mysterious at the same time.
