to the

Photoshop or Not

Pho٠to٠shop - noun or verb?
Today Photoshop has become more than just a term to describe a program for editing photos. It has become a term for describing whether or not a photo has been manipulated to change the appearance from its original state. People frequently use the term "Photoshopped" in this way.

My name is Rob Resnick. I currently work as a Photoshop Artist at Image Studios, a commercial photography studio in Appleton, Wisconsin. In my spare time I enjoy photography, art and the outdoors. My job as a Photoshop artist has given me a new perspective in regards to images that we see nowadays. The line between reality and manipulation is getting harder to determine just by viewing a photo. I have created this blog in attempts to illustrate what can be accomplished with the use of Photoshop.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

This section is dedicated to testing your skill in determining
whether or not an
image has been Photoshopped.

All you have to do is mouse over them to find out. Be careful though - the captions below the photographs will give away the answer so if you really want to test your skill make your decision before you read them.

I actually shot the Mustang and the F22 Raptor together as they flew overhead. I decided I really liked the shot but needed to give it some more drama so i got rid of the boring sky in the background and put in one with much more character.

This photo is of the Haceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon.
It happened to be one of those perfect moments where all the elements

came together to capture this shot.

Sometimes it's hard enough to get photos of birds, not to mention in a great location, so I decided to make the process a bit easier.

This image was shot for a client and we wanted it to feel more winter like. I decided to try some effects to make the trees look snow covered.

People think I added the kayaks to the tree but they really do grow on trees!

This image was taken in St. Marten in the Bahamas.
The village had these wonderful colored roofs and the
sailboat just happened to be passing by.

I liked the image of this farm with the old windmill and decided it would be fun to contrast the old with the new so I put in a wind turbine that i had recently shot and cleaned up some of the clutter to simplify the image.

This image was done for a client who wanted the freeway to look really busy so I took multiple
shots and combined them together to create a freeway that had lots of vehicles on it.

This image was a composite I worked on for our client. I added the truck to the background,
added dust and had to do some dramatic lighting to the background.

The client wanted this snowmobile dropped into a better looking background.

This might seem hard to believe but i actually was able to quickly snap a picture of this Gnome hanging around before he knew what was happening.

1 comment:

  1. Ineresting theme, nice layout and great photos. Stefanie
